Rev. Joe Gouin
Rev. Mike Chenier
Rev. Janusz Romanek
Rev. Mike Woempner
School Staff:
Angela Oller, Principal
Linda Michaud, 7th/8th Grade Teacher
The concept of the advisory council is based on a belief in the importance and power of shared leadership. Parents, faculty, administration, and the community work together to provide advice regarding school policies in accordance with the mission of the school and the policies of the Diocese of Marquette.
The primary function of the council is to provide advice and assistance to the pastor-principal leadership team. Council members offer their experience and expertise to strengthen the decision making process. This assistance is provided through the function of committees such as: Catholic Identity, Finance, Buildings and Grounds, Marketing, and Parent Association.
Membership consist of individuals from our four parishes; American Martyrs, Immaculate Conception, St. Mary & St. Joseph and St. Mary Queen of Peace.
Family members of current staff are not permitted to be official, voting members of the Council.
The public is always welcome to attend meetings!
November 19
January 21
March 18
May 20
July 15